Carlos Stevens is a former Student Academy Awards nominee for his animated short film "Toumai." This achievement kick-started Carlos' career working on a variety of Cannes Gold Lion award-winning commercial campaigns, notably for Sprint and Sony. Additionally, he has directed and designed campaigns for X-Box, Netflix, Marvel, EA, Lexus, SyFy, UFC, Target and many others.
His short film titled "The Alchemist's Letter" received critical acclaim and festival recognition worldwide. Carlos previously held directorships at Laika Animation Studios, design powerhouse Elastic, and animation studios Logan and Superfad. He recently directed an episode for season 3 of the acclaimed series Love Death + Robots on Netflix. He is currently in pre-production at Warner Brothers Pictures Animation on his original film “Zero” and was an EP/showrunner on an animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series at Nickelodeon/Paramount.
2015 Raindance Best Animated Short Nominee "The Alchemist's Letter"
2015 Siggraph Best Animated Short Nominee "The Alchemist's Letter"
2015 Vimeo Staff Pick "The Alchemist's Letter"
2011 Judge for AICP Show Design Category
2010 Best of Stash Sony Eye Candy"
2010 Interview with Motionographer "Sony Eye Candy" -- Full Interview
2010 Boards Magazine- First Boards Awards Winner "Motion Designer of the year" -- Full Article
2010 Cannes- Integrated Gold Lion - "Sprint Now Anthem"
2010 AICP Show- Best of Graphic Design Winner- "Sprint Now Anthem"
2010 AICP Show- Best of Graphic Design Short List. "Voila Nou Se"
2008 Student Academy Awards- Nominated for Best Animated Film. "Toumai"
2009 Published in Stash Magazine Issue #46. "Toumai"
2009 2d or not 2d Animation Fesitval- Best All style Animated Film. "Toumai"
2009 Ion International Film Festival- Best Animated Short Film. "Toumai"